What can we do ?

What are those that are all for guns saying ?
With the limitation on gun use will only result in more crime and only the bad guys will hold the weapons. If a man were to go into a store knowing that everyone was possibly holding a gun, the idea of committing a crime wouldn’t cross a criminals mind in fear of being outnumbered by the possibly number of concealed to carry proud Americans. Although, what if there wasn’t any one with guns? With the same scenario, that same criminal goes in and pulls out a gun, everyone is now trapped and unprepared allowing the gunman to feel more in control considering he is now the only one with a gun. So, yes  the crime rate would with the banning of guns according to gun activists. The Idea of not being prepared may scare many and pressure them into buying a weapon for the reason that they don’t feel “safe” in their own homes, jobs, simple outings and even on school campuses. The idea of teachers possibly being able to conceal a weapon on campus due to the most recent misuse of a gun in the most unfortunate way. To kill innocent teens for the chance to make national television. With the idea crossing over many state borders, people are actually considering it to be a right for teachers to have a weapon strapped to their hips to protect the  lives of  their students. The Idea that schools now aren’t safe is becoming a way of life now for all that attend, teachers, faculty and students now fear for their lives every day they go into a school building. The argument between those that believe campuses should have guns results in the campus war because how would those that provided the next school shooter with exactly what he needed ? Horrible? Would they feel like if the next shooter were to decide to shoot up a school he would be outnumber by the many other students that are permitted to carry?
Although, What about those that are fighting to keeping strong against these deadly weapons from being apart of not only our society but our classrooms and homes?
    In the video above the opposing team, and I quote “To fight obscurity with obscurity.”(Ana Lopez). Ana opposes against what Alec is saying with in the video by blowing a simple act such as  carrying a open sex toy on campus into proportion mentioning that it can result in a 500$ fine, but a person is allowed to only after training for four hours and being 21 years or older is allowed to conceal and carry on campus. Many fear the idea of having to actually be in class with carriers for the fact that their lives may be in danger, to the next upset carrier. Another idea that also passed by many minds was the idea of the color population being victimized to the barrel of a gun.
For instance, A man of color standing about 6’7 and is heavily built  is walking down the street at night, getting ready to go for a late night jog. He puts his hood up to protect his ears from the bitter Colorado weather, he zips up his dark thick sweater and begins his jog. He doesn’t know in the distance is a young women walking with her bag clutched to her side, and is already shaky for the fact that “ Nothing good happens after 9” especially Downtown. The idea of someone coming up behind her keeps passing her mind and she wonders what she will do when the moment should arise. The colored male is approaching but did I fail to mention he is very large and is out for a jog due to the football game coming up. She looks over her shoulder to see whose  those loud footprints belong to. She immediately clutches her bag harder and puts her hand in, but as she pulls her hand out she doesn’t realize that her wallet had fallen out. The simple touch of his hand is fatal. 

The cause of death can be accidental and with the help of Aftermath - an organization that is dedicated, compassionate to crime and death cleanup services to families who are in the process of coping with the aftereffects of tragedies. According to Aftermath children that grow up in a household that have a gun are more likely to (age 0-19) die by gunshot and an additional 13,576 were injured (Aftermath) in a 2014 study. The causes could be in cross fire or the more common one being that the gun was easily accessible due to misplacing them or not properly locked up safely. Not only are guns now allowed in school but  have taken over many children’s homes. Over 1.69 million kids age 18 and under are living in households with loaded and unlocked firearms which may lead to unintentional injuries, suicide, and homicide because of  the easy access to an improperly stored firearm. With this conclusion, not only by accident are kids being killed but those that choose to commit an irreversible act of suicide. Having a gun in the home raises the factor of 3 to 5 and increases the risk of suicide with a firearm by a factor of 17. Possibly due to psychiatric disorders these factors continue to grow in suicide rates. With conduction studies after studies they all have the same conclusion leading to guns being the cause of so many unnatural deaths. With having guns in the home people are more prone to use a weapon for a quick use. Compared to other forms of attempts firearm suicides are more deadly compared to  jumping off a building, hung or drug overdose -90 percent die compared to 34 percent and 2 percent respectively (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia). Owning a gun in the home also increases the death rate for all family members as well as for  women in the home. Guns are not only a problem within society’s public but within the privacy of one’s own home. No one knows what happens behind the doors of a person’s home so when children and women are in fear to the exposure of injury or death. What’s the point of having guns in the home? Why do we desire them ? For security? All these questions surround the topic of self-defense and home security. Although, many have said they keep guns just in case the government is overruled and the only protection the country  has against the invaders are the citizens. Some may argue that without guns we are vulnerable. We don’t stand a chance against anyone that wishes to bring us harm or has the intent to kill. What’s your say in this common topic of today’s news? Should your neighbor, your parents, sibling, or friend own a gun? Do you feel safe? In your home, classroom, or in the general public? 


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